Here is a bit of what I've been up to during this holiday season so far!
A night at the ballet.
Since my sister, my mom and myself all have December birthdays we plan a fun outing every year to celebrate together. Usually it's a play, music event etc. This year it was The Nutcracker ballet! It was my first time attending a professional ballet and it was so beautiful. #missedmycalling :) We started with dinner at Province and ended with a late night dessert at the Cheesecake Factory. Seeing the Nutcracker made me feel like I was 6 years old again. Oh nostalgia, I live for that stuff! It was a great night and I highly recommend checking out all the performing arts opportunities that Downtown Phoenix has to offer! Especially during the holidays!

A Christmas party was the perfect occasion to finally bust out my faux leather skinnies. I wish I had a better picture of them but they have ankle zippers and fit like a glove...and they're from Forever 21! Score. So the party was highly entertaining. White elephant gifts included; a snuggie, a neck strap for your wine glass (hands-free!) , a beer bong (complete with a Coors light), an industrial flashlight, a donation to the "human fund" (Seinfeld reference) etc. And we may or may not have given and/or received some of those! P.S. The Phoenician is an insanely beautiful resort. The entire place was decorated for the holidays. Kinda looks like we are in a forest of Christmas trees huh!?
Christmas tree decorating.
Please take note of Meg's flip flops, tank top...and scarf! Ha! That's Arizona winter for you.
Our finished product. Pretty dang good if I do say so myself.
And on a side note, I was cleaning out my purse the other day and came across this. 9! Count em, 9 varieties of lipstick in one purse. Really!? How many does a girl need at one time? Please tell me I'm not the only one who is hoarding lip gloss. How many are currently in your purse? Spill it!
And more birthday fun to come!
Tomorrow is my birthday (eek!) so I'm celebrating by taking the day off work and spending quality one-on-one time with my nephew! I couldn't think of a better way to spend my day! Then tomorrow night, a birthday dinner with all my good friends! So excited to see all my favorite faces in one room!