So being a single gal now and all, Ive been enjoying spending time with all my wonderful girlfriends lately! I'm very lucky to have such great friends! I'm officially done with school and for the first time have no future plans or anything to hold me back! The world is truly my oyster these days! I'm loving every minute!

Megan - Megan is the GF of my good friend Nick and she is now also a great friend of mine. I met her about a year ago and we hit it off right away! She is soo much fun and is a great person to talk to!

Alisha - Alisha has been my roommate for over a year now! We are great friends! We had only met each other once before I moved in with her and we clicked immediately! I'm so blessed to have found someone so sweet to live with! Don't know what Id do without her!

Crystal- I met Crystal through some mutual friends a couple years ago! She is a little ball of fire and we have so much fun together! She is a funny and beautiful friend!

Danielle- Me and Danielle have known each other since high school! We are both single gals these days and are having a great time together lately!

Rachel- Rachel is also a friend from high school! We have so many funny memories together! She is also single so fella's watch out!

Lindsay, Amy and Erica- These three are some of the best friends a girl can have! Lindsay and I have know each other since Jr. high. We re-connected and became great friends towards the end of high school. Ive known Amy since high school and I have her to thank for making me a better person! Erica and I have known each other since we were 5!! She is like a sister and will be a part of my life forever!

Lisa- I have also known Lisa since we were 5! Lisa, Erica and I were all neighbors up until Jr. high! These girls are like family to me and I love them dearly! There is never a dull moment with Lisa! She is living in Boston now and I miss her sooo much! I cant wait for her to move back!
Thank you girls for all being so wonderful in your own way!